Saturday, January 24, 2009

my school activities....


three weeks passed as i came back home last night(i always come back home at night rather than afternoon or everning)....the time goes like a flick of a candlelight flame. i still shocked that i've been an important year...FORM 5. i hate to say this but i still can feel that i still not prepared for this year......*sigh**attacked by a saradomin godsword**hey get up~!!! you must do sumthin!*

owkey....i'm gonna do sumthing......

owkie...this time i'm gonna tell you all about my school activities and some co curricular activites...

4 January
WELCOME BACK TO HOSTEL! waarrrr.....hostel.......the place i'm living until i graduate from this school. Hostel is like my first home and my home is a second one. why? Because i spent my time there almost a month and i only come back home twice in a month on saturday and sunday only. Then i have to come back to hostel. I have a work as a secretary of hostel prefects committee(MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR ASRAMA). So i must update informations about hostels and some committee activities(i'm lazy....)*punched by someone in a pvp world*

5 January
THE SCHOOL TIME IS REALLY REAL! Although this is the first day of first semester, many teachers started to teach to catchup the syllabus to prepare for the SPM. me? I'm a librarian. Why? I love books and i want to live with it. Although sometime ago, i really want to be a prefects but it is not my time to be that thing....heh!....(no mood to say about this again...i'm dissapointed with it). Ive surprised that my class situated at the highest level of C block(my school have 5 blocks, C is the third) because my class last year at the first level.

i only stated two days because i'm really lazy now......i cant tell a stories with 21 days in 3 weeks in detail. so i summarised it...


my school activities
  1. studiying of course...
  2. keep the hostel disciplined and clean
  3. read books at library and do chores in library.
  4. joining cocurricular activities...
heh...very short....

i dunno why.........

i think i dont have a mood now.....


*sigh**punched by someone again*

1 comment:

roket said...

sarah! mari cram kan kepale same2 yuk! xD