Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Masjid Sultan Mizan AKA Masjid Besi Gateway


I have my own reason to write separate posts for different topics. I don't like to write wrong posts because I tend to have second thoughts on things I've written and if I doubt my own writing, I'll delete everything... So it's better like this right?

Now, I want to write about our maknae (read: youngest) course that was added on our faculty (Faculty of Science and Technology) this semester that is Architecture! After Food Biotechnology, Applied Physics, Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Science and Risk Management, Information Security and Assurance and Industrial Chemistry, now it's Architecture. [oh it's actually not a course under FST, they'll have their own faculty. Nice, a pioneer for a new course and faculty source]

space saving furniture designs
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

omg nice one
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

captured while focusing OTL
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

forgot to flip it
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

Truthfully I was very curious over this course. Well, it's normal for people to be curious on something new right? :) heee There's not much that I know about this course and even thought I visited their booth last Saturday for i-Innova (Islamic Innovation Exhibition) I still can't get enough information, but look at the tools they used and their creations! Daebak! They are the pioneer for their couse and it's their first semester~

tools used *___*
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

From the information I got, they have like 30+ students only and have a subject that worth SIX credits! @___@ I don't know if the information about the subject is true tho.. but still. yeah.

copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim

All the best for the pioneers!

anyone dare to stand on the table over balloons? - Applied Physics booth
(copyright reserved 2012 photo by Sitti Walida)

*special thanks for Sitti Walida for letting me borrow her camera.

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