2 hours till the 6th Vice Chancellor Debate Cup, and I'm trying to calm myself from this anxiety. Although it's my third time joining this debate tournament, I still feel nervous ;~; Ya Allah, please help ease our worries ;~;
Pray all the best for all of the participants!!!
till next time!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Ready or Not
It's been awhile since I have written any post even though I thought I could continue my routine like 3 years ago. Some habits die, some habits reemerged back. Right?
I enrolled myself in this tournament again. The Vice Chancellor Debate Cup for the third time. Last year, I was chosen as one of the debater to represent Nilam Court Hostel College through an audition and I was just a reserve in my team. Secondly, I represent Faculty of Science Technology and still a reserve but I got my chance to talk after joining some swing rounds and the rounds in the second day of the tournament. This time, again, I'll represent FST for the tournament. The problem is... am I ready for this again?
I recall a skype session with a friend whom I know through internet and I wanted to talk with her, knowing that she's a native English speaker, I prepared myself to talk in English. I got nervous when she agreed to have a voice chat through Skype. The funny thing was, I just type and type and type and she did the talking. So embarrassing ;~; and there was a girl too, a Malay, whom I know online too, joined us. Her participation made me succumbed into a cocoon of shame because she's just a 15 year old girl and me? a 20 year old girl whom mouth was shut through the entire session ;~;
But it's not the first time I shut my mouth out of nervousness when I try to talk with someone I know online. Most of my sessions with a friend (she's a Filipino and one of my favourite fanfic writers) were awkward sessions with silence from my side. There was even one time with 2 hours of silence from both of us. LOL. See.. I don't know why. I thought by my confidence that I have alone would make me go through the conversation smoothly... but I can't ;~;
But I have this habit, I really like to look into the people which I want to direct my point view to. I want them to listen to me and maybe this made me kinda awkward to talk with somebody I don't close to, plus in a voice chat session would make me feel inferior with what I'm going to talk? Herm... I need to have a deep thinking about this herm..
By the way! We back to our main point today~ the debate cup! These are the motions for the preliminary rounds. I heard there will be five rounds this time (and like previous tournaments too LOL)
1. THBT it is time for the sports industry to be realized
2. THW make a vehicle-free day in USIM
3. THBT it is time for the nasyid industry to be taken seriously
4. THBT LGBT is a threat to the country
5. THBT we should have more Tun Mahathir
6. THBT JK Rowling is better than Steven Spielberg
7. THBT the investments for sports is a waste
*THBT: This House Believe That ; THW: This House Would
The good thing is, my classmates are participating in the tournament too! They will represent the faculty for Arabic Debate category~ And yes, they are quite talented in Arabic language and I'm really happy my friends are participating this tournament too!!! Yay~~!! Wish all the best for us!
Till next time~
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I have my own reason to write separate posts for different topics. I don't like to write wrong posts because I tend to have second thoughts on things I've written and if I doubt my own writing, I'll delete everything... So it's better like this right?
Now, I want to write about our maknae (read: youngest) course that was added on our faculty (Faculty of Science and Technology) this semester that is Architecture! After Food Biotechnology, Applied Physics, Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Science and Risk Management, Information Security and Assurance and Industrial Chemistry, now it's Architecture. [oh it's actually not a course under FST, they'll have their own faculty. Nice, a pioneer for a new course and faculty source]
space saving furniture designs copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
cute! copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
omg nice one copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
captured while focusing OTL copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
forgot to flip it copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
Truthfully I was very curious over this course. Well, it's normal for people to be curious on something new right? :) heee There's not much that I know about this course and even thought I visited their booth last Saturday for i-Innova (Islamic Innovation Exhibition) I still can't get enough information, but look at the tools they used and their creations! Daebak! They are the pioneer for their couse and it's their first semester~
tools used *___* copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
From the information I got, they have like 30+ students only and have a subject that worth SIX credits! @___@ I don't know if the information about the subject is true tho.. but still. yeah.
copyright reserved 2012 : photo by Sarah Alia Shahrim |
All the best for the pioneers!
anyone dare to stand on the table over balloons? - Applied Physics booth (copyright reserved 2012 photo by Sitti Walida) |
*special thanks for Sitti Walida for letting me borrow her camera.
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Somehow it's a sunny day until the afternoon but raining afterwards. This Malay proverb really applied with our situation nowadays.
disangka cerah hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengah hari(thought it'll be sunny till the evening, but it rains on the afternoon)
See? it's real! (and most Malay proverbs are based on real situations). hehe. Take care guys!
See later~ Wassalam!
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Assalamualaikum and anneyonghaseyo~
Today I would like to rant about people who smoke, especially the ones who smoke at the restaurant. To be more specific, those fathers who smoke directly in front of their young kids. There are 2 main points - smoking in restaurant and smoking in front of kids.
1) Smoking in the restaurant: for me is generally rude. People come to the restaurant to get something to eat, something to fill the stomach with foods, not the lungs with the smoke filled with poisons and carcinogens. People go to the restaurant to enjoy the food and spend quality time with family or friends, not to be irritated with the sight of a bunch of people smoking and the smell of the cigarette smoke. Should the restaurant provide a smoke-free area (not only provide, just say no smoking at the place, please).
2) Smoking in the front of kids: for me is like killing the children in silence. The secondhand smoke emitted from the cigarette affects bystanders or other people more than the smoker he or herself. Children don't have a good immunity system to fight with the poisonous smoke. I always see families that bring children especially the really young kids (and even baby) but the the fathers carelessly smoked in front of them. I don't think I have enough confidence and bravery but I could only tell myself that I shouldn't do that and I hate it! Sigh. The kids...
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Okay up to this point today~
see you :D
Assalamualaikum & anneyong~
Monday, October 22, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Lab report
source: Remind me of Islam |
Post ini tiada kaitan dengan buah lemon sebenarnya tetapi just sebagai tempat nak mengadu bahawa lab report yang patut hantar minggu ini tertangguh sebab tak tahu nak cari titrable acidity macam mana. ;__; Sebab teringat lemon tu acidic and we did a lab experiment with acidic juices (ha tu titrable acidity tu ha) so yeah~
By the way, the weather is getting wetter and colder nowadays. It's sunny in the morning but rainy on the afternoon until the night. It's really cold brrr!
source: Remind me of Islam |
Not a revision
Me and the typing
source (why flickr don't have decent pictures of keyboard tho...) |
Assalamualaikum and anneyong
ah it's the third posts for today! And I'm warning you, there're more to come! because I decided to make revisions for my mid-semester tests on Monday in form of typing those facts here. You better be prepared!
the fastest I got is 75 wpm and it was on my friend's laptop |
I love typing and I love it with a passion. I type everyday because my subjects need me to spend hours in front of my laptop (uh oh... really?? O.o) .. and socializing too (tetttttt....). Sometimes I prefer typing things out rather than writing it down because I don't want my lecturer to give this advice to me.
![]() |
er... okay. |
So~ let's see on the other posts!
Salam and anneyong :D
Me and the coffee
source |
Me and coffee. It's my favourite drink and I prefer it to be bitter rather than sweetened and it's better caffeinated than decaffeinated. My favourite drug (yes caffeine can actually be specified as a drug).
Last year, I drank instant coffee 'o (coffee with sugar not milk) on almost every night. Instant coffee is always very sweet and I kinda dislike it. How to reduce it's sweetness? Easy, don't use the boiling water, cool the water a bit and then put the instant coffee powder. The temperature is a bit low and it'll not dissolve all the sugar but it'll precipitated on the bottom of the mug instead. There you are! The less sweetened instant coffee.
I could drink coffee all day long and is this a kind of obsession? An online friend once said caffeine could give you palpitation (racing heart) if it's consumed too much (she's a nurse). Yes, I admit, I once feel anxious because of the side effect of drinking coffee but I can't help it... A day is not complete without a cup of coffee.
How did I start with this addiction?
It's an old story to be honest. My mother was a fan of coffee too but she stopped for years before she drink her coffee again. I'm the eldest child and I'm quite close with my mom. So long story short, I drank my mother's cup of coffee and become a fan too ^^v But it's not my mother's fault really. I could stop my addiction but I can't hehe.
Well~ up to this point~ see you later!
Salam and anneyong ^^
A new start
credit: Remind Me Words of Islam |
Assalamualaikum & Anneyonghaseyo ~Jangan buka cerita lama.Biarkan ia berlalu.
It's been a year since I've written any post here. A year passed, and I'm now in the second year of my degree course: Food Biotechnology. I'm even changed my hostel outside the campus but still got a better walking experience rather than living inside (yes it's better!)
There are major changes of this blog, mainly the layout. I've changed it from the cheeky styled blog to a simple one, white :) It represents a new start for me and this blog and I'm still have many ideas to revamp my this site. Oh, before I forgot, I've changed the link from 'narutoaddictor' to 'sarahandthefoodbiotech'. It's not easy to change it and I spent almost an hour just to find a decent link. I was intended to use something that korean-ish (haha) but instead, I stick to my image. Me and my course. haha. I just love it :)
Second change is the posts. I might highlight my schedule and interesting events that occur on my day or maybe I just post a rant. keke.
I feel a slight embarrassment looking through my old posts. My old posts remind me of my old pasts. The pasts that filled immaturity. I'll try to be a better person in my writing and thought. I'm already 20, the year who people will not call me as teenager anymore. Like what my mom said to me: 'there's no 'teen' in you anymore. -__-!!!
By the way, the blog that made me firm with my decision for major changes is this blog: click . I was so inspired with her writings and her layout. Yes, her layout, it's tumblr-ish and I really want to know how she incorporated the theme to a blogger template. If you have any idea how, please tell me okay ;____;
Okay, it's up to this point for the time being, see you later :)
Salam and anneyong ~
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