Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ngape kupu2 minum air mata gajah?????

salam... haha naper sy tanyer camni???

sbb, sy ad jwpannya~~~

buku ni best gilakkkkk~~~ full of facts~~~ tpi ble kite wonder psl2 facts yg best2 psl binatang2 tu kan... bru la kite wonder betapa hebatnya Tuhan kita, ALLAH swt. yg mnjadikan langit dan bumi, dan sluruh alam ini khususnya....

 The first professionally researched miscellany guide to the animal kingdom, packed with fascinating and bizarre facts· Did you know that the male flour beetle is the only animal which can mate and impregnate a female he has never met?· That virgin male butterflies make better lovers than more experienced ones?· Or that rats can learn the difference between Dutch and Japanese?Why Do Moths Drink Elephants' Tears? is an entertaining and addictive collection of eclectic insights and unusual facts, detailing the wondrous diversity of animal life that surrounds us.

uuu harge bku ni? Paperback: £7.99 tpi, jgn risau, sy xkan bli bku yg harge die nak dkat RM50 heheheh.. bku ni harge die... jengjengjeng.. RM 5~! ekekek... trimas carnival Carefour .. hahah


Asma' said...

macam best je, dahla rm5 je en :D

Melle Abadi said...

wah , nak carik jugak