this is runescape login page (runescape is based on javascript) but in HD(high detail).
my computer cant handle this type of detail because it is software-accelerated graphics and my computer doesnt have the suitable one to handle this detail. so, my gaming experience is facing lag problems. but i still can play with doing skill tasks like woodcutting.

this is one of the skill that i have mastered. now i'm level 60 in woodcutting.

this one of the event activities. Chrismast event, Finding Jack Frost.
( his hairstyle was really cool!)
( his hairstyle was really cool!)
Events are some additional features for some big days like Easter, Christmast. In this events, there is always some additional task or quest added to the game. Reward? can be in many forms like season's attire, emotes, goldpoints and many more.
this Falador Party Room
some hairstyles

Party room is a place where players getting many things dropped by someone. Sometimes it really cool things if you can get it. But i never get one of the things that dropped.
(confused? play the game urself.!)

me with some friends. me? beside the blue masked man (without shields)(confused? play the game urself.!)

some hairstyles

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runescape ftw~
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