salam to ya'll everyone~~~
Double double double combo, (quoting a line from GD&TOP-Knockout)
Okay I'm just arrived at FSU cafe after attending a game in Netball Interfaculty League. Today, we competed with F.Med and we got a draw. Eventhough we are not have been defeated yet (I hope we will not defeated after this), this is our first draw (again, I hope this is the first and the last).But, F.Med (abbreviation of Faculty of Medic and Health Science) is a formidable opponent. Similar with us, they dont have been defeated yet. We draw 12-12.
Oh, sorry before I go further, I would like to introduce my position in the team. I'm the student team manager and also a coach(?) for the Tamhidi team. Alhamdulillah, although height is a minor problem, we are well composed with good players and teammates. Majority of us are from Tamhidi of Science and Technology, while the others are from Tamhidi of Accounting and also Tamhidi of Syariah and Law.
We have defeated 3 teams so far and like I stated before, a draw but we still have a long road to go. We haven't compete with Faculty of Syariah and Law, Faculty of Quran and Sunnah and Faculty of Science and Technology. These are the result so far
Tamhidi vs
(Faculty of Leadership and Management)
Tamhidi vs
(Faculty of Economy and Muamalat)
Tamhidi vs
(Faculty of Major Language Studies)
Tamhidi vs
(Faculty of Medic and Health Science)
Although there are 3 faculties left, there's not so much time left either. We will compete with FSU on 9th March while two remaining teams on 12th March. I hope Tamhidi will end this league with flying colours.
While I'm typing this, one event that I'm involved is still ongoing that is Kejohanan Debat Piala Naib Canselor (Vice-Canselor Debate Cup) but we just say NC Cup. Shocked? Oh don't worry, I'm just excused from the first round only. I'm representing Nilam Court(hostel for Tamhidi students for the time being) for English Debate Category. I feel so excited and don't say about my nervousness too because this is my first time getting involved in debating.
Our team for English Debate Category has 12 debaters, 2 teams with 4 members each will represent the Tamhidi Centre and 1 team (my team) with 4 members too will represent Nilam Court. I'm still waiting for the first round to be ended because I'm so eager to know the result (plus I'm feeling so bored now). I pray to Allah that I can go through this event with flying colours too, Insya-Allah. :)