Saturday, May 29, 2010

5 hari di USIM


siaran langsung di pc di rumah, (yeh da balek).

ok dah 5 hari di usim, dah pwn bli bku teks for english, chem, physics, bio n maths (matriculation 1). dah pwn daftar kursus. 7 subjects.

sem 1
  • english language 1
  • arabic language 1
  • mathematics 1
  • chemistry 1
  • physics 1
  • bio 1
  • quran and hadith on science (alamak xingt nme subject)
sem 2, sume yg ade 1 jadi 2, but kitorang xder pqs on science, ade ict skill (frens, u must know how im gotta feelin rite) :).

tpi smue ni apply kat tamhidi sc tech, medic n dentistry sahaja. tamhidi syariah & undang-undang n tamhidi akaun amek subjek lain. especially tsu, 9 subjek....

kumpulan tutorial n kuliah pwn da taw, dpt tutorial 3, so, kuliah ScA, pija n khalaf tutorial 6, ScB .. sedeh maaa.... muizzah masih atas pagar, juz truskn or mesir... *pergilah mesir muizzah, future nnti, sng dpt keje...

so 5 hari di usim? taklimat, taklimat, taklimat.... biaserla, klo x mne mawnye nak kenal usim kan kan kan....

tapi semalam ade taklimat menarik, dari Pengarah Sukan (adoi xingat gelaran) USIM.... bertanyakan soalan-soalan yang agak cepumas.

siapa yang pernah menjadi wakil negeri?
 siapa yang pernah jadi wakil sekolah, tapi ibu bapa tak benarkan untuk sambung ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi sebab nak tumpu pada pelajaran?

siapa yang tak pernah mewakili maner2 pringkat tapi pnya kemahiran yang sangat tinggi???
siapa yang tak punya kemahiran yang tinggi tapi nak jadi cam tiger woods?
or nicol david?
ok, untuk laki, saper yg ade badan yang tinggi?
riuh-rendah, org tunjuk sini sana, at last ade la bdak yg lucky, namer die nabil (oops~!)
*nabil tu naiklah ke pentas, encik Pengarah tu diri la sblah nabil tu, wahhh~~ nabil itu sgt tinggi~!
ok, nabil, sy tugaskan awak jadi kapten volleyball, cari lagi 20 org.

n the rest is history.... haha, mmg lawak la part sukan yg last2 tu, walaupun ramai budak yg dah jadi cam cacing kpanasan, nak balek (sbb ari tu mmg ari balek umah!) :))))

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pakistanis create rival Muslim Facebook
ISLAMABAD — Pakistanis outraged with Facebook over "blasphemous" caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed have created a spin-off networking site that they dream can connect the world's 1.6 billion Muslims.
A group of six young IT professionals from Lahore, the cultural and entertainment capital of Pakistan, launched on Tuesday for Muslims to interact online and protest against blasphemy.
The private venture came after a Pakistani court ordered a block on Facebook until May 31, following deep offence over an "Everyone Draw Mohammed Day" page considered "blasphemous" and "sacrilegious".
"Millatfacebook is Pakistan's very own, first social networking site. A site for Muslims by Muslims where sweet people of other religions are also welcome," the website tells people interested in signing up.
Dubbed MFB, after Facebook's moniker FB, its founder says professionals are working around the clock to offer features similar to those pioneered by the wildly popular California-based prototype.
Each member has a "wall" for friends to comment on. The site offers email, photo, video, chat and discussion board facilities.
The Urdu word "Millat" is used by Muslims to refer to their nation. The website claims to have attracted 4,300 members in the last three days -- mostly English-speaking Pakistanis in their 20s.
The number of aficionados may be growing, but the community is a drop in the ocean of the 2.5 million Facebook fans in Pakistan and there have been some scathing early reviews of the start-up.
Neither has Facebook been immediately reachable for comment.
"We want to tell Facebook people 'if they mess with us they have to face the consequences'," said Usman Zaheer, the 24-year-old chief operating officer of the software house that hosts the new site.
"If someone commits blasphemy against our Prophet Mohammed then we will become his competitor and give him immense business loss," he told AFP, dreaming of making "the largest Muslim social networking website".
Once signed up, members are a click away from debate on the bulletin board.
For example, "Enticing Fury" wrote: "The reason is that this forum must be reserved for ALL MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD and not only Pakistan. So using the word MILLAT is very good!
"Well done guys. You have made a great alternative for the whole muslim ummah (nation)!"
But the nascent quality of the work-in-progress website has preoccupied and dismayed some, as well as drawn at least one damning newspaper review.
One member wrote: "they need 2 hav more info". Another posted a mournful: "need games here as well. I missed cafe world" -- referring to the popular Facebook page where members can run their own virtual cafe.
"It was a good idea... as it can give us a forum to connect, but its reach is too limited," Mohammad Adeel, a 31-year-old pharmacist told AFP in Karachi, who joined to keep up with friends he missed due to the Facebook ban.
Local newspaper The Express Tribune was crushing.
"The quality of user experience is so abysmal that it does not merit the humble title, 'Facebook clone'," it wrote online.
"To sum up, MillatFacebook is a bold effort... but it is unlikely to capture a large audience, judging by the online experience it offers currently."
But Zaheer is pleased with his handiwork, saying the site has already attracted members living in Britain, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.
Pakistani law student Rana Adeel, 21, signed up to MillatFB in Lahore after receiving invites through SMS and email from friends.
"In two days, I got more than seven friends. If the Facebook ban is lifted, I'll keep networking on both," he told AFP.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

lecturer=cikgu? (skilas briefing subjek chem n physics)


siaran langsung dari perpustakaan kampus tetap usim, nilai. (-.-)

tadi ada sesi briefing kuliah for chemistry n physics...

for chemistry, da masuk da chapter 1, matter. trdetik pulak, betul kater bro hudz, modul kimia yg gne waktu skolah dlu2 mmg sgt bguna, thx ckgu asmiza n ckgu shima.

tpi, briefing for physics, ckgu arho (abbr for his name....) mmg pandai buat lawak hahaha. tpi sblum briefing kitorang (tamhidi sc tech) ade wat sesi pengenalan 4 the whole tamhidi. so lame la nak tunggu turn kan. basically hampir smua plajar tamhidi ni consists of students from islamic school scattered around malaysia. plg ramai, bdak2 maahad muhammadi (P) kota bharu.harap2 dpt blaja dgn ckgu ni.

patutnye, kol 2.30 ade briefing bio plak, tpi lecturer yg patutnye bg briefing tu pgi kursus plak (ckgu arho yg kate), so petang bdak2 tamhidi sc n tech free, bdak2 medic n dentistry (bdak2 ubat n gigi, bak kate ckgu arho lagi) ade briefing physics petang ni, 2.30 (diorg ade briefing bio slepas chem).

herm.... spatutnye, boleh la balek skrg kan kan kan, tpi malas, baek ddk library, leh usha2 online apps yg ade kat usim ni. (buat pgtahuan korang, usim ade byk online apps, leh usha kat main website. so, nnti balek ngan bdak2 medic n dentistry. (nak balek awal malas coz baju da bsuh.... haha klaka).

smalam, ade home-mate, asma' (asma' syakirah, jgn marah ye) ade pinjam satu buku ni, the complete idiot's guide to writing well, seyes buku ni best (sbb da bace dah ckit2). buku ni mmg best sbb die tunjuk 1 per 1 on the subject how to write well. buku ni best sgt. (sdah ckup2). so apa yg perlu buat? kne la wat tempahan kat opac library usim tu.....

yg mnariknye, ade jgk siri the compete idiot's guide nih, igtkan ade siri for dummies je (yelah, sbb for dummies pnye siri lagi popular kot kat malaysia.)

eh kejap, bkn tajuk post ni lecturer=cikgu? haha, da lari sgt2 dri jalan spatutnye (ops~!). So, lecturer=cikgu? ok, kite wat definition ala2 pasar for cikgu dlu. cikgu ialah orang yg mengajar orang lain. mayb formally kpda org yg mgajar kite, yg lebih tue dri kite. so basically, ckgu ialah org yg mengajar di institusi pendidikan.

lecturer (pensyarah)? ialah org yg memberi syarahan (sudah sy katakan ini definisi versi saya) kepada penuntut2 di institusi pengajian tinggi. sy tertanya2 jugak dlu2, (kids hev big curiosities, am i rite?) knapa org2 yg mgajar di inistitusi pengajian tinggi dipggil pensyarah.

so, ckgu ialah gelaran untuk org yg mgajar di sekolah. lecturer ialah gelaran untuk org yg mgajar di iptkonklusi, CIKGU=LECTURER.  Sbb, ia hanya glaran untuk membezakan (spesifiknya, mengklasifikasikan) insan2 yg memberi ilmu di dua tempat yg berbeza, tapi org yg pgi mnuntut tetap sama, org yg dahagakan ilmu pengetahuan. 

so apa pendapat anda????

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

saya sudah rasmi jadi warga USIM


siaran langsung dari zon internet/zon multimeldia, Perpustakaan USIM yang sejuk lagi tenang, selepas mendaftar utk pnggunaan pc (leading the line tuuuu). (oh, cam siaran langsung berita la pulak. HAHA)

menjejakkan kaki di USIM 2 hari lepas(untuk program taaruf) cam tak caye je, LUAS GILA!  sungguh luas kawasan uni klau nak dibandingkan dengan kampus UIA  gombak(sebab jarak antara satu fakulti n fakulti yang lain berjarak-jarak luasnya, uia, kat satu centre je.

kalau nak diikutkan, ni la first time study luar Selangor, walaupun hanya dekat Nilai*Nilai kat Negri Sembilan.

haha, hari first untuk program taaruf, tercengang-cengang sebab kene nyanyi lagu Negri Sembilan. Tekezut jek.... pastu kener nyanyi lagu usim terus maju. 2 kejutan xsemene2. Naseb bek dekat tentatif (?) ade lirik lagu 4 both songs...... ddk pwn kat line depan skali (still ngan pieja n muizzah) tepaksela dgr2 dlu lagu tu kan....

herm, at least xde la rse keseorangan dekat cni. Ade pieja, khalaf  n muizzah (walaupn muizzah kate die 2 minggu je kat cni).

lagi 1 kezutan, omg, sye dpt tingkat 5 kat kolej kediaman tu... =.= (mama, boleh kot nak kurus kat cni), tpi nk wat caner kan, bukannye boleh nak tuka. Lagi pwn, bknnye hak kte saje suke2 nak tka homeroom kat cni ..... endure je la. nak wat cane. badan sihat walafiat je. xde la asma ke ape ke (alhamdulillah....). tpi mengah jugak la nak jalan dari kafeteria kat area dkp ke library ni... -,-v

arini xde la rse cam full sgt, sbb ade 2 slot je kot arini, tadi daftar kursus n amek kad matrix(bukti rasmi jadi warga usim kot. hahah :)))) pasni ade taklimat perpustakaan itupwn pkl 2.30 ptg bru start..... esok ade briefing for kuliah2 yg bkl pgi nnti (kuliah start officially minggu depan, kot) khamis bru dpt jadual n kene beli buku rujukan bi (peh rm113, nak korek bsn, xde atm, bimb n cimb je ad)

herm... kene usaha sungguh2 kat cni... smoga Allah memberkati dan meredhai usaha kita ye, all tamhidi students....

 *rindu plak dpt tulis pnjg2 cam dlu2 :) ade gamba mnarik 4 bgunan canselori tu, tpi taleh nak wat pape sbb amek gamba gne hp, minggu ni tataw lagi balek ke tak......

Sunday, May 23, 2010

La Tahzan


aa... nak masuk dah uni.. da tue rupenye.. =,=...

Thursday, May 20, 2010


 SALAM .. tag fulfilled asma'.. im not a devil. i aint running :))))

x, sebab blogger da wat hal

xhappy. blogger wat hal......

bila hati tenang dan tak ada masalah (ma' sorry tiru ayat, xde rule kan :) )

few times.
hitam n merah

not 6, all my followers :)

Orang yang men-tag saya ialah Asma' Syakirah binti Dzulkefli. Dia seorang yang ayu (dan juga suka berfikir begitu). Dia tidak mendapat lesen memandu lagi. Dia suka blogging. Dia.. blablablabla... (ah kusut je esei ni)
but I like her so much. Thx for being my fren.

Nice Blogger Award (from Asma')

oh award first dapat :))) thx asma' :)))

1. Apa yang bermain dalam fikiran kamu sekarang ?
baru melangkah dari kemalasan update blog

2. Nama samaran kamu ?
sarah, sarah alia (most frez call me sarah alia) ....

3. Berikan 3 orang yang kamu sayang
Family, kawan, diri sendiri (oh asma' sorry tiru ayat-sila rujuk no 1)

4. Panggilan untuk si dia
dia? =,=

5. Hadiah yang korang impikan dari orang tersayang
pandu dengan cermat, ingatlah orang yang tersayang

6. Blog mana yang korang suka follow ?
hermm.. kalaula korang usha profile sy, blambak lambak dah blog follow. juz random. :)

7. Beri award ini kepada 3 blogger lain
Xpe, sye bagi kepada semua follower saya (those who received the award are not included) 
Followers, you're nice coz u followed me :)))

P for percubaan....

salam :))))

aaa.. da lamer xupdate (n bakal on BIG HIATUS soon).... okeh stret to da point

1. P da dpt~~ weeee... (tpi xbwk2 lagi avanza kat umah sbb sticker xbli lgi, parents marah nnti)
2. Medical checkup da dpt result... dokumen2 penting laen da settle... tinggal nak fikir psl brg2 (warrghh!!)
3. award n tag asma' (thx very much!) settle....
4. -,- telah menjadi saksi ade org telah melakukan blog content violation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

oh~ Korea menari ala Bollywood....


cadang nak update blog ble lesen P da dapat (heheh) tapi sebab video ni agak klaka (-.-) nak post gak.
Asma' sorry~!!! nanti tag n award ko tu aku wat lepas HAC SMKSP nnti k :))))

Ok, klo nak dengar lagu je, maybe tak la rase sgt cam bollywood, tpi ble usha mv, rase nak tgolek pwn ade.

nak malay translation 4 dis song? click here

tolong, gigil2 je ni... (adakah sbb xmakan lagi? xmungkin...)

Monday, May 3, 2010



1942, tajuk movi jepun. Tak pernah tengok, tapi interesting sebab sinopsis cite ni, berlaku kat malaya (time jepun lepak(?) kat tanah melayu.

1942. Malaya. Sgt. Yasuo Fujii, a war cameraman, is huddled in a trench, waiting to film the Japanese 6th Army cross the Slim River on its way south to Kuala Lumpur. An enemy mortar shell lands in the trench and, in a heartbeat, Sgt. Fujiiis running through the jungle for his life. Armed with nothing except his 8mm camera, the young soldier soon hooks up with remnants of the scattered 6th Army. Together with three soldiers, he must race against time to get a fatally wounded soldier back to the division in Kuala Lumpur. However, everything starts to go wrong and they get lost in the maze-like jungle. All their maps are wrong and their radio malfunctions. Sgt. Fujii starts sighting mysterious figures through his camera viewfinder, and a female ghost starts to haunt them. Survival is at stake and the ghost is hot on their heels. Will they make it to safety?

tak ke interesting tu??  diorang jumpe pontianak ka???? arr, da try usha torrent, xjumpe, yg ade link ngan mysoju. klo nak usha kat internet xbest, buffering je :(, so anyone out there... can you pls help me find link to download movie ni????

Saturday, May 1, 2010

uh, klo nak jadi polis cyber leh????


tajuk post yg ni cam pelik... polis cyber???? taklah. ni citer psl keputusan kemasukan ke IPTA. Alhamdulillah, sy  dapat USIM, Tamhidi Sains & Teknologi.

so, ape mender nyer tamhidi sains n teknologi??? die blaja cam matrix, bezanya cam dah duduk kat universiti la....

saper yang blaja kat tamhidi sains dan teknologi ni, umumnya akan dapat buat

  • Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Bioteknologi Makanan)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Sains Aktuari dan Pengurusan Risiko)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer dengan Kepujian (Keselamatan dan Jaminan Maklumat)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Matematik Kewangan)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Fizik Gunaan)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Teknologi Kimia Industri)
tpi, saper yang dapat keputusan dengan cemerlang boleh gak buat ijazah sarjan muda perubatan dan surgeri & ijazah sarjana muda pembedahan pergigian, dengan kerjasama Universiti Al-Azhar. Tapi farmasi akan ditentukan, maybe sebab universiti ni baru 10 tahun tak banyak lagi program pengajian yang ditawarkan...

so, dalam dilema, nak pilih matrix or tamhidi???