Thursday, December 31, 2009

tahun baru & gerhana bulan


yaa tepat 12 malam, kta bakal menempuh tahun baru, 2010.

tp prasan x, da 3 minggu (4 minggu bg org selangor) kita (ehem, i mean org yg bkerja) cuti yang jatuh pd hari JUMAAT:
  • Hari keputeraan Sultan Selangor (selangor sahaja)
  • Hari Krismas
  • Maal Hijrah
  • Tahun Baru
Waaah, what a coincidence!

Orang kata, tahun baru, azam baru.... but sy fikir, kta spatutnya mletakkan azam baru pada setiap hari supaya hari-hari yang mendatang lebih baik dari hari ini (maaf bro hudzaifah, stole the idea) ...

But on 1st January also, gerhana bulan berlaku pada jam 1.15 pgi hingga lbih kurang 5.28pgi. Ada juga program solat gerhana di masjid negara... *dlm hati mahu pergi* -.-!!!

agensi angkasa malaysia . Tidak mahuku ketinggalan untuk mencerap sahaja bulan itu di laptop ini.....

ah sungguh syahdu bacaan Alquran di (lembah klang : 91.5) pada 12.20, pgi 1 Januari 2010 sementara menunggu air masak... (nak buat teh o-haus)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

091219 Ainul Mardhiah Gathering 2009


a delayed post.

19/12/2009... a date where, 9 of us, Ainul Mardhiah dormitory members gathered together at De'Cheang Mai Restaurant, Sg Buloh.

first, ummi, atie, jaja, wawa, amira and I gathered at terminal Putra Tmn Melati and took LRT from there to KL Sentral.

So tired standing still in almost journey to KL Sentral...

at KL Sentral, we wait for malynn from Bkit Jalil and we took KTM
Komuter to Kuang.

kl sentral roof

from left, ummi, jaja, wawa, atie n amira

when we reached Kuang, Ainaa's mother n father fetched and brought us to their home.
There were some cats. Two of us reacted like hysteria when they saw them. Rofl!!! So humorous although I supposed not to laugh. But if you in my place, you must laughed like me too! We also ate meatballs ( I love Ainaa's father company, HS Nada, meatballs ) We ate 2 big plates of meatballs.

From Ainaa's home, her mother and father brought us to o
ur gathering place, De'chaeng Mai Restaurant. We ate tomyam, steamed siakap (i forgot the actual fish), kailan ikan masin, udang tepung, n some keropok ( I love its
chilli sauce - so sweet!) The fresh orange juice was so delicious!

in the picture, from left: Annie, atie n amira

IN the restaurant, we exchanged presents with us. I got a hand bag!

Then, the feast started... DELICIOUS! but then, we had to pay about RM30 each...

and, as usual, we had photoshoot...

n that was not the end, we visited Annie's home and went to Sg Buloh KTM Komuter Station to take a commuter to KL Sentral.

We say good bye to each other when we reached Terminal Putra Taman Melati.

aaah what a good time together... May Allah bless us throughout our lives in this world and hereafter...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

hari asyura.


today is hari Asyura. 10 Muharram. Do ya know?

oh i forgot, some of you are too lazy to google it. So i juz came with this.


Hari Asyura merupakan salah satu hari yang diraikan oleh umat Islam. Asyura berasal daripada perkataan Arab asyara yang bermaksud sepuluh. Ini disebabkan hari Asyura adalah hari yang kesepuluh di dalam kalendar Islam iaitu pada 10 Muharram.

Mengikut masyarakat Islam, hari Asyura telah menyaksikan banyak sejarah besar dan keajaiban berlaku ke atas para nabi. Disebabkan itu, masyarakat Islam menghormati hari tersebut seperti juga yang diamalkan oleh Muhammad s.a.w.


Menurut tradisi masyarakat Islam, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. melakukan puasa Asyura sejak di Makkah lagi memandangkan puasa Asyura merupakan amalan biasa masyarakat tempatan. Apabila baginda berhijrah ke Madinah, baginda turut mendapati yang kaum Yahudi turut berpuasa pada hari Asyura (atau bagi mereka adalah Yom Kippur yang juga pada hari kesepuluh). Ketika itu, baginda mengesahkan dan mensyariatkan puasa sehingga ia menjadi satu kewajiban kerana baginda merasakan masyarakat Islam lebih dekat dengan Nabi Musa. Ibn Hajar al-asqalani, dalam pernyataannya terhadap Sahih Bukhari mengatakan yang syariat puasa telah dijadikan kepada bulan Ramadhan setahun kemudian. Kini, masyarakat Islam melakukan puasa pada 10 Muharram sebagai amalan sunat dan bukan kewajiban.

Masyarakat Islam turut percaya akan berlakunya kejadian besar ketika 10 Muharram:

Thursday, December 24, 2009



ah double posting. kalo forum, da lamer kner warning..

by the way , this is my blog kan... :D

tringat waktu tuh.
kol 12 bru smpi skolah, org tinggal ckit jerk.
n, I really ingat. There was Pn Nor (former penolong kanan - miss her so much)
Ah, she saw my result first!
n then she said, TAHNIAH!

huhu... i really miss that time, alhamdulillah got 9As

but i really felt sad. xdpt skolah asrama pnuh (tiap2 kali blek asrama lalu dpn SBPI Gombak - really sad D: )...

but then, i feel grateful now cause i can do more than i could do when i was in menengah rendah...

n now. i really miss my school. SMK SUNGAI PUSU ...

this school is so memorable to me because it contains 1001 memoirs (yeah ive been schooling there for five years) n has veryveryveryveryvery BEAUTIFUL scenery there! you can see the whole Batu Caves from here. A nice sky... every morning, every hot afternoon, every evening, every night.... ahhh i gonna cry! I really miss that scenery.. but now I can not upload the pictures cause im not online in laptop..


conclusion is

at last, i feel very grateful to have so much time in the school. I pray the best for my school to be the best in Gombak district, Selangor state, and Malaysia :D

Bulan Muharam....


ahhh lamer nyer xupdate post, so late meh.

ok sempena bulan muharam or we call Maal Hijrah (wondering why RTM used TAHUN BARU ISLAM)

Muharram (محرّم) adalah bulan pertama dalam Sistem Takwim Hijrah (Hijriah). Pada asasnya, Muharram membawa maksud 'diharamkan' atau 'dipantang', iaitu Allah SWT melarang melakukan peperangan atau pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian larangan ini ditamatkan setelah pembukaan Makkah (Al Baqarah: 91).
Sejak pemansuhan itu, umat Islam boleh melaksanakan tugas dan ibadat harian tanpa terikat lagi dengan larangan berkenaan. Rasulullah s.a.w telah menamakan bulan Muharram sebagai bulan Allah (shahrullahi).
Sandaran yang dilakukan oleh Baginda s.a.w kepada Allah s.w.t lantaran kemuliaan dan kelebihan bulan ini kerana sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t tidak merujukkan kepadaNya melainkan oleh golongan khowas (terkhas) di kalangan makhluk - makhlukNya.
Daripada Al-Hassan Al-Basri rahimahumullah sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t telah membuka lembaran tahun baru di dalam takwim Islam dengan bulan Muharram. Tidaklah kedapatan bulan yang lebih mulia dalam takwim Islam di sisi Allah s.w.t itu selepas bulan Ramadhan melainkan bulan Muharram. Ia dinamakan bulan Allah yang khas disebabkan besarnya kehormatannya.

Do you know the events that occured in this months..? check this out!

1 Muharram
Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab menetapkan adalah hari pertama bagi setiap tahun baru Islam (Kalendar Hijriah).

10 Muharram
  • 10 Muharram - Dinamakan juga Hari Asyura. Pada hari itu banyak terjadi peristiwa penting yang mencerminkan kegemilangan bagi perjuangan yang gigih dan tabah bagi menegakkan keadilah dan kebenaran.
  • Nabi Adam bertaubat kepada Allah.
  • Nabi Idris diangkat oleh Allah ke langit.
  • Nabi Nuh diselamatkan Allah keluar dari perahunya sesudah bumi ditenggelamkan selama enam bulan.
  • Nabi Ibrahim diselamatkan Allah dari pembakaran Raja Namrud.
  • Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.
  • Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.
  • Penglihatan Nabi Yaakob yang kabur dipulihkkan Allah.
  • Nabi Ayub dipulihkan Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya.
  • Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan paus setelah berada di dalamnya selama 40 hari 40 malam.
  • Laut Merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya dari tentera Firaun.
  • Kesalahan Nabi Daud diampuni Allah.
  • Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah kerajaan yang besar.
  • Hari pertama Allah menciptakan alam.
  • Hari Pertama Allah menurunkan rahmat.
  • Hari pertama Allah menurunkan hujan.
  • Allah menjadikan 'Arasy.
  • Allah menjadikan Luh Mahfuz.
  • Allah menjadikan alam.
  • Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril.
  • Nabi Isa diangkat ke langit

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009



today, we had graduation day (huhu graduated on 17 years old)

fivers (ibnusina n server) with ckgu ibrahim (pk koku)

exco 08/09 with ckgu ibrahim (ketua warden)

fivers asrama


Tuesday, November 3, 2009



SPM is keliling da bucu (credits to FARALINA)
so no update or juz read (dunthink hev time)
but will try to add graduasi update.... dinner i dunnow...

hope isnt real hardwork is real

Doakan sy straight A for SPM dis year

sorry UNITY, cant fight for ya at this bunch of time :(

Monday, October 19, 2009

entering the last month before spm


okay its counted 29 days to spm today..
waaaarrrghh.... so nervous~~~!!!!!

how am goin to do???????

help me!~

Thursday, October 15, 2009

happy bday!!!


today is my friends birthday, wawa n zaffan..... may allah bless you through ur life :D



and also my one of my fav suju member... donghae!


Monday, October 12, 2009

:) :D :O :^) :( :[] 1001 emotions


today's post doesnt look hev any main theme... as i dun hev any idea to write...

ok, what about we say about spm? the main point now for spm candidates...

its about nearly one month before the big exam starts, many will hev to struggle to do their best in spm. many will do lots of exercises as now is not a good time for da candidates to read the 'kitab'( i mean here the big books of buku rujukan). Some people say, the time is good to make memorizing activity, memorizing all the keywords, especially the reading subjects. Some also will do lots of mathematical excercises, sharpening their skills to make them answer the questions in spm correct and fast...


okay.... we drop that subject..

any suggestions??????

ah! i saw one of my friends reading literature books (not spm english literaturelah) She looked very interested to the passages (she's english freak :D)

oh..about where am i..

okay, i'm in library, doing biology exercises...............

what the..................... (the no ideas syndrome come again - that's the main reason why i dun update my blog for days....)

Sunday, October 11, 2009



yesterday, form5 students (hostel + some others that live outside) held a barbeque...
We ate many chickens of course with some daging salai, hotdog, puding jagung, nasi goreng (waa so sad i cant eat it... :( ) and sarsi...

we got sweet memories...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

it's coming...near..


the SPM thing is coming near... need help!!!!

its 18th NOVEMBER ......

Rabu 18 Nov 2009
08.00 – 10.15 Bahasa Melayu 1
11.00 – 12.00 Sejarah 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
14.00 – 16.30 Bahasa Melayu 2

Khamis 19 Nov 2009
08.00 – 09.45 Bahasa Inggeris 1
10.30 – 12.45 Bahasa Inggeris 2
14.00 – 16.30 Sejarah 2

Isnin 23 Nov 2009
08.00 – 09.15 Mathematics 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
10.00 – 12.30 Mathematics 2

Rabu 25 Nov 2009
08.00 – 10.00 Additional Mathematics 1
14.00 – 16.30 Additional Mathematics 2

Isnin 30 Nov 2009
08.00 – 10.30 Biology 2
11.00 – 12.15 Biology 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
14.00 – 15.30 Biology 3 (Amali Bertulis)

Khamis 3 Dis 2009
08.00 – 09.15 Physics 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
10.00 – 12.30 Physics 2
14.00 – 15.30 Physics 3 (Amali Bertulis)

Isnin 7 Dis 2009
14.00 – 16.30 Pendidikan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah 1

Selasa 8 Dis 2009
08.00 – 09.15 Chemistry 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
10.00 – 12.30 Chemistry 2
14.00 – 15.30 Chemistry 3 (Amali Bertulis)

Isnin 14 Dis 2009
08.00 – 10.30 Bahasa Arab Tinggi 2
08.00 – 10.30 Bahasa Perancis
08.00 – 11.00 Bahasa Punjabi
08.00 – 10.15 Bahasa Cina 2
08.00 – 10.15 Bahasa Tamil 2
11.00 – 12.15 Bahasa Arab Tinggi 1
11.00 – 12.45 Bahasa Cina 1
11.00 – 12.45 Bahasa Tamil 1
14.00 – 16.30 Bahasa Arab Komunikasi 1
14.00 – 16.30 Bahasa Iban

Selasa 15 Dis 2009
08.00 – 10.00 Geografi 2
11.00 – 12.15 Geografi 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
14.00 – 15.30 Sains Pertanian 1
14.00 – 15.00 Ekonomi Rumah Tangga 1 (Aneka Pilihan)

Rabu 16 Dis 2009
08.00 – 10.30 Pendidikan Syari’ah Islamiah 2
08.00 – 10.30 Pengetahuan Sains Sukan 2
08.00 – 10.30 Pembinaan Domestik 1
08.00 – 10.30 Membuat Perabot 1
08.00 – 10.30 Kerja Paip Domestik 1
08.00 – 10.30 Pendawaian Domestik 1
08.00 – 10.30 Kimpalan Arka dan Gas 1
08.00 – 10.30 Menservis Automobil 1
08.00 – 10.30 Menservis Motosikal 1
08.00 – 10.30 Menservis Peralatan Penyejukan dan Penyamanan Udara 1
08.00 – 10.30 Menservis Peralatan Elektrik Domestik 1
08.00 – 10.30 Rekaan dan Jahitan Pakaian 1
08.00 – 10.30 Katering dan Penyajian 1
08.00 – 10.30 Pemprosesan Makanan 1
08.00 – 10.30 Penjagaan Muka dan Dandanan Rambut 1
08.00 – 10.30 Asuhan dan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak 1
08.00 – 10.30 Gerontologi Asas dan Perkhidmatan Geriatrik 1
08.00 – 10.30 Landskap dan Nurseri 1
08.00 – 10.30 Akuakultur dan Haiwan Rekreasi 1
08.00 – 10.30 Tanaman Makanan 1
08.00 – 10.30 Seni Reka Tanda 1
08.00 – 10.30 Hiasan Dalaman Asas 1
08.00 – 10.30 Produksi Multimedia 1
08.00 – 10.30 Grafik Berkomputer 1
08.00 – 10.30 Teknologi Binaan 1
08.00 – 10.30 Prinsip Elektrik dan Elektronik 1
08.00 – 10.30 Pemesinan Berkomputer 1
08.00 – 10.30 PenyIsnin 14 Dis 2009

08.00 – 10.30 Bahasa Arab Tinggi 2
08.00 – 10.30 Bahasa Perancis
08.00 – 11.00 Bahasa Punjabi
08.00 – 10.15 Bahasa Cina 2
08.00 – 10.15 Bahasa Tamil 2
11.00 – 12.15 Bahasa Arab Tinggi 1
11.00 – 12.45 Bahasa Cina 1
11.00 – 12.45 Bahasa Tamil 1
14.00 – 16.30 Bahasa Arab Komunikasi 1
14.00 – 16.30 Bahasa Iban

Selasa 15 Dis 2009
08.00 – 10.00 Geografi 2
11.00 – 12.15 Geografi 1 (Aneka Pilihan)
14.00 – 15.30 Sains Pertanian 1
14.00 – 15.00 Ekonomi Rumah Tangga 1 (Aneka Pilihan)

Rabu 16 Dis 2009
08.00 – 10.30 Pendidikan Syari’ah Islamiah 2

11.00 – 12.15 Pendidikan Syari’ah Islamiah 1 (Aneka Pilihan)

N dat's the end.... :(

today, we cant return to our home as usual... must stay in hostel with form 3 students....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramadhan tiba lagi...


Ramadhan tiba lagi
membuka pintunya
umat yang merebut
untuk mengaut keuntungan darinya

Ramadhan tiba lagi
membuka sejarah baru
melahirkan bakal-bakal
insan yang sentiasa
mencari redha tuhannya

Ramadhan tiba lagi
aku masih di sini
masih merenung jauh
mengapa aku tidak seperti yang lain
merebut segala keuntungan
dari sejumlah saham yang sangat banyak

Ramadhan tiba lagi
aku mahu mula kembali
melupakan sisa-sisa kenangan
Ramadhan lalu
Ramadhan lalu yang sukar ku endahkan
biarpun sejumlah keuntungan
yang menjelma di depan mata

Ramadhan tiba lagi
azamku tahun ini
mahu mengaut keuntungan
sebanyak yang boleh
mahu mencari keberkatan
Tuhan ku yang Maha Aziz
supaya mampu aku harungi
cabaran ini
dengan penuh harapan
supaya gemilangnya dapat ku rasa
supaya kebahagiaanya dapat ku kecapi

Ramadhan tiba lagi
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku
Hambamu yang hina ini
ku harapkan pertolongan Mu
supaya dapat ku harungi
cabaran ini
dengan penuh kesabaran

sri gombak, 2 Ramadhan, 23 ogos

Saturday, August 15, 2009

cikgu samat says:....


today, as usual we have prep class n cikgu samat, my math twin teacher done a math answer technique seminar. n after that, i have my last usrah with my naqibahs from uia... sad maybe,

then, cikgu samat, once again held a class, starting 2.30pm. He wanted to discuss about the homework he gave last wednesday. But, only 3 have done nearly 100%. Others? done the homework outside the class. What is the best bout this thing is, we can discuss together (n copied the answers too xD ) And he said, he felt disappointed with us because we cant do the homework in time.... He advised us to create an environment, suitable for us to study. He give us some examples to do that...

sad, the trial is on monday, bm..... *sigh*

and the happy news is tomorrow is my friend's birthday! Her name is Asma' Syakirah!
cute one..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!

awan berarak ceria
tiada titisan hujan
pohon melambai tanda sokongan
kususuri perjalanan bertemankan senyuman dihari lahirmu sahabatku

dedaun berguguran
membuktikan kedewasaan
walau tanpa mata dan hadiah
namun cukup untukmu
sekadar ucapan

selamat hari lahir
iringan doa ku hulur
bersyukur kepadaNYA
atas nikmat usia

usia yang Tuhan kurniakan ini
kau hiasilah ia dengan amalan yg murni semoga ia menjadi temanmu di akhirat sana

usiamu ibarat mutiara
tiada berganti lagi
hiaskan iman bersulam takwa
agar sempat mengucup haruman syurgawi

Friday, August 14, 2009

school magz cover


after sometimes checking my thumbdrive, i've found the thing that i wanna post the is the my school's magazine cover that i created. It's not 100% my creation. The background is picture i've found somewhere. Only the background. Others... i twisted and combined some brushes photoshop brushes and i tried to manipulate the picture a bit to give some shiny effect to the cover. But i think my cover wouldnt be chosen to be the global 2009 cover... *sigh*

i think the cover is a bit messy, dont you???

Thursday, August 13, 2009



today, we MPPA 2008/2009 are released from our works....

Our duty is taken by form 4 students who are selected for the new MPPA (2009/2010).

herm..... felt happy because our burden is now taken by the new one. So, its up to them to rule the hostel now. Then, we, form 5 now can study with ease without having to think about what happened in the hostel.

herm........ :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

entering the last 2 months until SPM


today, I'm entering the last 2 months before SPM with the trial is starting next week.

arrghh!!! I really wanna shout now! I am not prepared for the trial and also SPM. What I'm gonna do?????

arrghhh!!! I cant cope with my addiction of runescape....... but i'm now leave in hostel, so i can get rid for the runescape for two weeks before i go back home and play runescape for hours....

Seriously, i missed my times with my old friends who study with me from Form 1 until Form 3 especially Rajin students. I really missed my intelligent friends who always spends their time with me.

Ya know... i really want to study in boarding school like sbp or mrsm because i wanna an environment that encourages me to study but Allah has stated my fate is here until i'm in form five.

Literally, i'm happy that not all my friends are going to other boarding school. There are also somebody like me in this school. But I cant cope with all the entertainments provided in my surroundings. I just cant get rid of it. My nights are full of sorrow and disappointments. I cant fill my time with what a student really do especially who gonna sit for big examination. Why I cant be like my friends here? who can thrive despite all the nooks and crannies in this environment?

I really misses my Kumon worksheets. I feel that I need it to improve my English but how I wanna to say it? *sigh*

All that I can do now is just pray to Allah to give will to me to change my attitude, to change myself because I know is the widest room in the world is the room for self-improvements.

I just wanna to say to all my juniors, dont be like me, who are cant cope with environments. Dont ruin your future..... dont play runescape excessively!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

ok... nama dia amri.....


his name is amri....

who the one sings the malay version of i'm your's

this is his youtube channel link...

he sings not only i'm your's but many other........

juz click the link above :D

Friday, August 7, 2009

super junior - sorry sorry!


new addiction..
syazwan affected me to hear n see n addicted...

by the way... its good...
so popular in form 5 aspura recently..

no lyrics coz there is romanization there...

Monday, August 3, 2009

aku milik kamu


huu... lagu layan... i'm your's jason mraz!


diterjemahkan ke bahasa malaysia!!
syesli dabek kat mamat yg ni...

yearghh!! layan!

huhu mmg lyn..


Kau tahu kau buat ku rasa begini
Jauh ku kembara tetapi ku ingin kembali
Biarpun berlabuh malam? tidak ku berhenti
Sebelum terlewat, ingin yang terbaik untukmu
Takkan siapa mampu menghalang azamku
Inilah masanya pelajari sesuatu

Takkan ku tunggu lagi
aku milik kamu

Buka mata cuba kau lihat
Bukalah minda kau kan bebas
Buka hatimu dan kau temu cinta
Dengarlah muzik ini lagu juga irama
Kita semua bersama
Punya hati jiwa untuk mahu dicinta cinta

Dan, Takkan ku sangsi
Aku pasti takkan tunggu lagi
Usah ragui masa lalu
Kini aku milik kamu

Dengar bisikan hatiku
Kau kan tahu cerita

Lama benar ku membelek diri di depan cermin
Berpusing menari pabila tiada sesiapa
Melihat rentakku sendiriku tertawa
Kini aku sedar tentang kehidupan ini
Tak perlu pura-pura, jadilah diri sendiri
Itulah diriku
Dan kamu pun tahu

Takkan ku tunggu lagi
Aku milik kamu

Buka mata cuba kau lihat
Bukalah minda kau kan bebas
Buka hatimu dan kau tahu luas dunia
Dengar dengar dengarlah
Ikutlah rentak kita
Inilah masa
untuk kamu percaya

by the way.. sye ltak la lagu btul dia.. buwat compare but in rsmv .. enjoy!

Saturday, July 4, 2009




ttiba nak brag about my novels

sorry la yerk

n thx 4 my mom cause kbanyakan novel ni my mom yg bli :D

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

inventori warna

salam peeps...

huhu, baru lepas bwat inventori warna,
so the results is i'm the one who posses the colour of

so interesting...
but i cant write more because there is a long queue
behind me,,,
so sad...

Friday, June 26, 2009



this week as usual do the same chores everyday, everynight

n i got my results too

i got 5A3B1C1G
what the....
n i'm in 8th place..
i'm not satisfied at all with my results..


n i'm online in kiosk bestari smk sungai pusu.
the pc is in the middle of errr what can i say, tunnel?
i dont know how to say..
the internet is so fast n my streamyx at home lose to the internet here..

n yesterday, the transformers 2:
revenge of the fallen aired in the cinemas nationwide!
i thought i want to watch it but... after spm i think...

i 'm also shocked with the news that i heard that michael jackson, the famous pop star died yesterday..
what a shock!! that end to the one who change Allah's creation huhu.....
MJ (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

UNITY based nokia theme


today, i created a nokia phone theme based on a runescape clan, unity..

to download it..
click this link

hev a good try!

Friday, June 19, 2009

eyeshield 21 - teh end....

Loading... media

yes...that is the very end of page from eyeshield 21 manga..

what i love about this manga is how one american football team from 1 school Japan can be the most powerful that can beat america where the american football originated from..

my favourite line in this manga is


yes, as an underdog be the best among the best is seems to be a dream but, Hiruma, the founder of Deimon High School's american football teams did everything including illegal ones to ensure his team would be the best among the best and can beat the rest. He and his friend, Kurita, found Sena who can run as fast as 4.2 seconds which considered as the speed of light. Hiruma did many things to recruit even more players in his team. They trained, fought, and learnt from past experience to ensure themselves have the place in national american football player with other player that powerful from other schools.

and today, i read the very last chapter of eyeshield 21, the manga which teach peoples how to turn the dream into reality (excluding the illegal ones).....

i really love this manga.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

huhu...i'm 17


happy birthday 2 me..
waaa....i'm seventeen!!!

Your Birthdate: June 14
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.
It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!
You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.
But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.

Your strength: Your superstar charisma

Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you

Your power color: Fuchsia

Your power symbol: Diamond

Your power month: May


Friday, June 12, 2009

some new song


i heard a few songs in my phone (its actually added by the trader of my new phone)

the few songs are sang by +44
(note for zaffan n raja, this band is really exist! not just sum41 as you said)

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this song is good 
but, i dont like its title
sad though, when i went through its lyrics

Please sleep, my darling, sleep.
Your cry for inspiration, never reaches ears on distant stars.
And every night our lonely planet slides across the universe.
And I won't pretend I understand.

Please sleep, my darling, sleep.
Your death by information won't disturb the peace on distant stars.
And even when you lock the doors and slide behind the unlit shades, 
None of us are strangers anymore.

So fall asleep with the windows open.
Come to me with the worst you've said and done.
You'll close your eyes and see me.
A little death makes life more meaningful.
I stand no chance at all.

Please sleep, my darling, sleep.
Your car crash in slow motion won't upset the pace on distant stars.
And one by one the years of all lives stumble as the moments pass.
So please hold on. Please hold on. So please hold on.

So fall asleep with the windows open.
Come to me with the worst you've said and done.
You'll close your eyes and see me.
A little death makes life more meaningful.
I stand no chance at all.

Please sleep, my darling, sleep.
Please sleep, my darling, sleep.

So fall asleep with the windows open.
Come to me with the worst you've said and done.
You'll close your eyes and see me.
A little death makes life more meaningful.
I stand no chance at alL

hermmm some cute lyrics

The last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the sun shining in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the freeway

The last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear with your voice ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away

The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the smoke getting in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the DJ

The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear with the noise ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you were to stay with me a while

The next time I see you, you'll turn away
I'll say "Hello" but you'll keep on walking
The next time you see me, I'll turn away
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night?
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you were to stay with me a while

I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you were to stay with me a while



many things happen during this holiday..


where are my ideas???!!!

where are you my dear. dont fly far away. how i'm gonna catch yall.
please my dear come to me. how im gonna to write smoothly without yall.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

i hate this part of naruto!!!!!


what the...
i hate DANZO

one hour before exam

alhamdulillah..i'm home..



i'm home...


a nokia 3110

my new phone!

new semester

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cuba korang renung2kan gambar2 di bawah ni. Kene tak kat batang idong korang? Hehehe..

Every New Semester
new semester

After 1st Week
after one week

After 2nd Week
after 2 weeks in college

Ada lagi…

Before the Midterm Exam
before mid term

During the Midterm Exam
during mid term exam

After the Midterm Exam
after mid term exam

Before the Final Exam
before final end exams

After Seeing the Schedule of the Final Exams
exam schedule

7 Days before the Finals
seven days before finals

6 Days before Finals
6 days before finals
5 Days before Finals
five days

4 Days before Finals
4 days

3 Days before Finals
three days

2 Days before Finals
two days before final exams

1 Day before Finals (Night before the Final Exam)
night before final exams

1 Hour before Final Exam
one hour before exam

During Final Exam
during exams

After coming out of the Examination Hall
after exam

After College during Holidays
that is what collge is all about

Haha! Itulah dia kehidupan seorang pelajar..

and this actually not the kehidupan plajar la..